What is Cupping and how is it applied?
Cupping is one of the oldest methods of traditional Chinese medicine and has many indications and uses. The method involves placing special cups filled with heated air on painful areas of the body. As the cups cool, the volume of air within them shrinks, creating suction on the skin that increases blood flow to the area.
When Is Cupping used?
Cupping is often used to alleviate respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis, asthma, and flu. Cupping is also indicated for neuromuscular pain, lumbar pain, neck and shoulder pain, arthritis, and any other pain syndrome. Cupping is safe, non-invasive, and extremely effective.
What are the benefits of Cupping?
Patients often experience immediate relief and cupping may also be used for general health and wellness. Cupping increases blood flow, may stimulate digestion, and can help increase the healthy flow of cerebrospinal fluid.