This treatment is great for stress control, weight loss, and gastrointestinal issues such as: gastritis, ulcers, GERD, gas and bloating. The treatment includes an herbal cleanse uniquely formulated for you, an acupuncture, abdominal herbal oil hot pack, and Chinese abdominal massage.
An imbalance of Yin and Yang is implicated in most if not all of the diseases. Organ cleanse and tonification attempt to correct this imbalance. Tonification is an herbal therapeutic treatment used to nourish and rebuild the Qi or life-energy of the body’s organs and organ systems when they suffer from a deficiency or weakness or when the body’s Yin and Yang are out of balance.
Herbs are used as tonics to build and sustain the energy of the organ systems, used to practice preventative medicine, to assist in the treatment of acute ailments and build strength when recovering from an illness, all of which is achieved by restoring and balancing energy levels or Qi of the body.