What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a modality in Traditional Chinese medicine which uses thin hair-like needles that are applied to specific anatomical locations or “meridians” in the body with the intention of manipulating Qi. Acupuncture is safe, effective and used to treat a wide range of conditions. Acupuncture can be done alone or in combination with finger pressure (acupressure), herbal and Chinese food therapy, massage techniques (Tui-Na / Chinese Bodywork Massage), dermal friction (Gua-Sha), cupping, and moxibustion (a form of heat therapy).
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I expect after the treatment?
Most patients feel pleasantly relaxed and refreshed after an acupuncture treatment. Patients who were experiencing pain before the acupuncture session are often pleasantly surprised to find their discomfort greatly reduced after the treatment.
When is acupuncture used?
Acupuncture treats a wide range of conditions. Some of the conditions for which acupuncture is commonly used include:
- Pain
- Injury
- Trauma
- Stress / Anxiety
- Repetitive strain conditions like tennis elbows and carpal tunnel syndrome
- Headache / Migraines
- Sleep disorders / Insomnia
- Weight loss
- Facial rejuvenation
- Facial pain
- Facial paralysis
- Acne
- Rosacea
- Gastrointestinal conditions
- Dental pain
- Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis
- Back pain and sciatica
- Fibromyalgia
- Dysmenorrhea and other gynecological conditionsAsthma
- Postoperative and chemotherapy nausea
- Stroke rehabilitation
- Patients undergoing recovery from addiction and substance abuse
Acupuncture can be used alone or in combination with other forms of treatment and has proved beneficial to overall wellbeing.
Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture treat many symptoms and conditions without medications or drugs. Click here for a more detailed list of treatable conditions.
What are the possible side effects of acupuncture?
Side effects are rare. Patients may occasionally experience slight bruising at the point of needle insertion.
Acupuncture House Call
Enjoy the luxury of having a private acupuncture session in your own home. All materials and equipment are provided. The session includes patient intake and treatment. Allow additional time for setup of equipment as well as break down of equipment.
Community Acupuncture
Community acupuncture is practiced in a group, rather than one-on-one, setting. Don’t worry! You won’t be bearing much skin. The treatments are primarily on the front of the body and mainly on distal points (legs, arms, hands, feet, ears, etc.). You will zone out and relax in a nice comfy chair for an hour or so. This is the way that acupuncture is traditionally done in Asia.