Physician Grade Chemical Peels are excellent ways to kick start your skin rejuvenation. Patients who are not ready for injectables or lasers are great candidates for peels.  At the same time, peels can greatly augment or prolong the results of patients who have done other rejuvenation procedures.  

Chemical peels work by inducing accelerated exfoliation or causing a controlled injury to the top layers of the skin.  The resulting healing process induces deposition of collagen, thickening of the skin, and repair of sun-damaged skin.  With certain peels, oil gland production can also be reduced, making it a great option to complement any acne or anti-aging regimen.  Chemical peels address a variety of issues:

  • Acne and acne scarring
  • Pigmentary issues such as melasma
  • Discolorations or “sun spots”
  • Fine lines
  • Enlarged pores
  • Superficial  wrinkles

t ZAFIROMED we specialize in Middle Depth Peels such is the Vi Peel that are safe for any Fitzpatrick skin type, requires short down time and have moderate results.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many peels do I need?
Medium depth peels are typically done as a series of 2-3, ideally spaced one month apart to achieve the best results. Then 2 times a year for maintenance.

Where on my body can chemical peels be applied?
Virtually any part of the body, especially sun-exposed areas such as the face, arms, and legs, (even the back for acne) can benefit from light peels.  These treatments rid the skin of the top dead layer of cells and the result is smooth, baby-soft skin.

Adjust your skincare routine before, during and after your peel. 
As a rule of thumb, avoid retinol and waxing one week prior to peels.   Also, if you’re prone to fever blisters talk to your doctor about a prescription for an anti-viral medication to prevent an outbreak. Avoid all your serums, acids and anything exfoliating for at least a week after the peel. If you go outside, sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen! After your skin has peeled and healed, slowly introduce the stronger stuff back, but continue to avoid retinol and waxing for two weeks.

Never schedule a medium depth peel less than 6 weeks before a sunny beach vacation or snowy one.

Do not to exercise, at least for 24 hours and  avoid swimming pools while you’re healing as the chlorine can be too drying. 

Do not pick at your peeling skin!
Peeling begins around the mouth/nose/chin area around day 3, and spreads outward over several days.  Do not be tempted to grab a piece of flake and drag it off.   The best way to help your skin heal is to gently pat with a towel after you’ve washed your face, and apply a thick coating of ointment.

With a medium depth peel, you may look mangy, so plan a long weekend where you don’t have to be outside or see people who don’t love you.  You may look red, you might be swollen and when the peeling starts, you’ve got a face dandruff blizzard for a few days.

If you don’t peel, that doesn’t mean the peel wasn’t effective. There is microscopic peeling happening.  Don’t worry, it’s still working!