As we age, we experience volume loss in the face.  Gravity also adds to this “aged” look by causing areas of the face areas to droop, resulting in grooves, lines and shadows.  Fillers are a safe and effective choice for replacing soft tissue volume loss.  Fillers can restore the face to a more youthful appearance.  

Fillers may also be combined with Botox to enhance the cosmetic results. Dermal fillers can give a more natural appearance than surgical face lifts.  

At ZafiroMed we specialize in the Hyaluronic Acid injections (i.e. Juvederm®, Restylane®, Belotero Balance®, Perlane®).

Hyaluronic acid in these products is identical to that found in the body. So it does not cause any allergic type reaction. Hyaluronic acid binds water in your skin to lift and restore the skin's natural elasticity and volume, thus reducing the size of wrinkles and grooves or adding volume.

Hyaluronic acid is an excellent alternative to collagen injections and does not require a skin test.

Restylane® and Perlane® contain no animal proteins. This limits any risk of animal-based disease transmission or allergic reactions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it last?
It varies with the individual. Studies have shown that Hyaluronic acid effects generally last for about six months. Most patients will have another treatment within a year since the hyaluronic acid in both products will dissolve over time.

Are there any side effects?
After your treatment, you might have some redness or swelling or a mild burning sensation in the area injected. This will normally last less than seven days. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have severe allergies, or under 18, you shouldn't use any of these products.

How Are Fillers Administered?
Fillers are injected through small needles. Numbing cream can be applied on the area/s to be injected.  The actual injection only takes minutes. Ice pack is placed immediately after the injections. 

The treatment area/s usually swell somewhat but most patients are able to return to work right away. Rarely, some patients experience more significant swelling. For this reason, a first time filler patient may want to be treated closer to the weekend. It is also a good idea to refrain from aspirin or drugs that delay clotting for 1-2 weeks to decrease bruising when injecting fillers.

After the treatment, some temporary injection-related reactions may occur, including redness, pain, firmness, swelling, and bumps. Studies have shown that these are usually mild to moderate in nature and clear up on their own in 7 days or less. If you experience swelling at the injection site, you can apply an ice pack for a brief period.

When Will I see the Results?
You should see an immediate improvement in the treatment areas. Supplemental “touch up” treatments may be required to achieve and maintain optimal results.