What is Gua-sha (Dermal Friction Therapy)?

Gua-sha (pronounced "gwa shaw") is a modality under the spectrum of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which uses skin stimulation techniques along the meridians of the body. The goal with gua-sha is to produce healthy blood flow to help break up stagnated blood, ensure healthy circulation and to help release fascia.

When is it used?

Gua-sha is used whenever a patient has pain in any acute or chronic disorder (muscle pain).  There may be aching, tenderness and/or a knotty feeling in the muscles.In addition to resolving musculoskeletal pain, Gua-sha is used to treat as well as prevent common cold, flu, bronchitis, asthma, headache, fever, as well as any chronic disorder involving pain or inflammation. It is also frequently used as a home remedy in the treatment of fevers associated with colds and flu, and is especially favored in the treatment of children.

Where is Gua-sha applied?

Gua-sha can be done almost anywhere on the body but is typically applied on the back, neck, shoulders, chest, abdomen, buttocks and the fleshy part of the limbs.

How is Gua-sha applied?

A lubricant is applied to the skin before stimulating the area with the smooth, blunt edge of an object.  Gua-sha is usually done along one or more of the acupuncture channels, in a direction away from the center of the body, in short brisk strokes until the surface of the skin is well reddened, but not broken.

What are the benefits of Gua-sha?

In most cases the patient feels an immediate shift in their condition particularly in their pain or sense of constraint, range of motion. Gua-sha reduces pain and inflammation while stimulating an immune protective response that can persist for days following treatment. Gua-sha is a valuable treatment for musculoskeletal problems as well as internal organ conditions including respiratory and hepatic inflammation.